“Nobody looks like what they really are on the inside. You don’t. I don’t. People are much more complicated than that. It’s true of everybody.”
― Neil Gaiman
The above quote encapsulates my worldview -- one that has been instilled from my earliest childhood memory until this very moment. That is the message I propagate through my art. More often than not, we are not what we seem. The most beautiful outsides can house the most hideous insides, and the most benevolent insides can be imprisoned by the most repugnant outsides. The damaged psyches of my characters are my assertion that we all carry emotional baggage. No matter how cleverly we hide or adamantly we deny that we are somehow psychologically scarred, the damage is there and will remain forever with us. My artistic statement is that in this way we are all alike; we have all been hurt, some more than others, and we all need help with healing our damaged psyches.