LOGLINE: Four strangers awake to find themselves in a room with a single exit, beyond which lurks an unknown force waiting to kill them one by one.
Who lives, and who dies. . . But the most important question is – why? A jaded young woman named Delia awakes to find herself in a room with three strangers - Morgan, Sol and Leslie. She and the others have no memory of how they got there or who they are, except for their first names and their occupations. Not only are Delia and the others incapable of leaving this strange room, but to their horror they soon discover that behind the room's only exit lurks a deadly presence waiting to kill them.
Delia, Morgan, Sol and Leslie are trapped in a strange semi-circle shaped room. Along the circular part of the wall are several projections that look like shelves, upon which Delia and the others sit. There is quite a distance from shelf to shelf, making it impossible to jump from one to another. Far below is a landing that faces a dark oval-shaped hole in the flat part of the wall in front of them. The hole looks just big enough for them to crawl through. As Delia, Morgan, Sol and Leslie try to make sense of their situation, they hear strange voices talking from the other side of the exit. Even though they are unable to make out what the muffled voices are saying, they briefly are relieved that someone, or something, is out there. They try to make contact with the voices beyond the room - they plead, reason, bargain and even threaten, but receive no reply.
Then without warning Sol's shelf retracts into the wall sending him tumbling down to the landing. He tries to climb back up to another shelf, but cannot. Suddenly a giant pair of steel jaws with razor-sharp teeth comes out of the opening, dismembers Morgan and drags the pieces back through the narrow opening. The others can do nothing but look on in horror at the carnage below them.
The horror continues until there's only one left to figure out who or what is the attacker.