LOGLINE: A young man’s search for the cause of his aunt and uncle’s sudden insanity takes him on a perilous journey through the Middle East to find one of the most sacred spots on earth.
JACK BISHOP learns that his AUNT ROSE and UNCLE KARL have both suddenly gone insane after returning from an archeological expedition. He goes to tell his estranged father, JOHN BISHOP, an alcoholic burnt-out archeologist. John reveals that an eccentric billionaire named ADDERLY BLACKWOOD could have something to do with Karl and Rose’s condition. Blackwood wanted John to head up an expedition to the Middle East to find the Garden of Eden, but he refused and referred Blackwood to the next best experts on the subject, his bother Karl and his wife Rose. Jack and John confront Blackwood and discover that he did hire Karl and Rose to lead his expedition, but hasn’t heard from them since. Hoping to find out what happened to Karl and Rose, John convinces Blackwood to let him and Jack lead the next expedition to Eden. They travel to Turkey and begin their quest for Eden. After surviving several dangerous encounters, the expedition team discovers the Gates of Eden, and that’s when the real danger begins.